Arduino Nano pinout details with schematic
The Arduino Nano is a compact microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P (or ATmega168 in older versions). Nano contains Atmega328P Microcontroller as the main chip. Nano uses a small jack for the DC power supply. For the USB interface and power, it uses a mini-USB type B cable.
It is an electronic experimental board and being small in size, we could install it easily in our projects. It has more analog pins than Uno, so very helpful to create controlling type electronics projects.
Arduino Nano pin Diagram
The pinout of Arduino Nano is very easy to understand if you look at the board.
Arduino Nano Board Details
The Arduino Nano contains the Atmega328P chip as the major component of the board. The board has four LEDs for different identification. For ON, RX for receiving data, TX for transmitting data, and L for loading the program.
Atmega328P Datasheet
To learn Arduino Nano pinout it is necessary to understand the datasheet of the Atmega328P Microcontroller. We can download the datasheet from the link below.
Arduino Nano Specifications:
ATmega328P chip (or ATmega168 in some older versions) is the main chip of the board.
Operating Voltage
Operating Voltage: 5VdcInput Voltage (recommended)
Recommended Input Voltage starts from 7 to 12Vdc.Input Voltage (limits)
Input Voltage limit is from 6 to 20V DC.Digital I/O Pins
It have14 digital IO pins out of which 6 pins can be used as PWM output.PWM Digital I/O Pins
Six Pins D3, D5, D6, D9, D10, D11 are pulse width modulation enable function pins.Analog Input Pins
Analog Input Pins A0 to A5 used as Digital I/O input-output pins. A6 and A7 are additional analog pins.DC Current per I/O Pin
Every IO pin have maximum current load limit is up to 40 mA.Flash Memory
Arduino Nano have 32 KB flash memory(ATmega328P) of which 2 KB used by bootloader.SRAM
SRAM capacity is 2 KB (ATmega328P)EEPROM
EEPROM is only 1 KB (ATmega328P)Clock Speed
Clock Speed is16 MHzArduino Nano Pins
Arduino Nano has Power pins, analog, and 14 digital pins. We used the Analog and digital pins for communication with different electronic components and sensors.
If we look at one side of the board, a six-pin header is located for ICSP (In-circuit series programming). We program an Arduino board through a mini USB cable, although without the bootloader, the Microcontroller can’t be programmed.
These are six pins are used to upload the bootloader to the Microcontroller.
1- MISO (master in slave out)
2- 5V(power supply)
3- SCK(Clock)
4- MOSI(master out slave in)
5- Reset
6- GND
Power Pins
Vin pin used for external power supply to the Nano board. It could be an unregulated 6-20v external power source. We can also apply a regulated 5v supply
If we connect the board through a mini-B USB cable for power source, we can use these pins as a voltage source of 5V and 3.3V(Two different pins)
Arduino GPIO Pins
Nano has 14 digital input/output pins. We use it as input or output, depending on the function programmed in the board. Functions
pinmode() you can configure the pin as input/output.digitalwrite() configure the pin as High/Low output. digitalread() configure to read the specified pin as High/Low(digital input).
Communication Pins with Protocols
I2C Communication
A4 and A5 pins are used for I2C serial communication with other electronic modules, e.g. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, sensors, and indicators.A4 as SDA (serial data) and A5 as SCL (serial clock) also, similar to TWI (Two-wire interface) interface by using TWI-library.
Serial Communication
We use TX and RX pins for transmitting and receiving TTL serial data. We connect these pins with the corresponding FTDI USB to TTL serial chip.
SPI Communication
D10(SS), D11(MOSI), D12(MISO), D13(SCK) these pins can be used for SPI communication. The pins function is to download the bootloader in the Atmega328P, also ICSP does the same function.
Interrupt Pins
The external interrupt can be activated if configured as the value at pin becomes low, high, rising the value, falling and some change happens. Pin D2 and D3 are used as INT0 and INT1. we can monitor the operation through the interrupt function. Any change that happens, interrupt will be triggered.
The external interrupt can be activated if configured as the value at pin becomes low, high, rising the value, falling and some change happens. Pin D2 and D3 are used as INT0 and INT1. we can monitor the operation through the interrupt function. Any change that happens, interrupt will be triggered.
PWM Pins
Pulse Width modulation is a method that is used to control the analog components/devices. Through PWM we increase or decrease digital signals by changing pulse and time values. PWM works with pulse and duty cycle.
To vary pulse width and time duration of duty cycle, you can achieve the required value. D3, D5, D6, D9, D10, D11 are used as 8-Bit PWM by analogwrite() function.
Pulse Width modulation is a method that is used to control the analog components/devices. Through PWM we increase or decrease digital signals by changing pulse and time values. PWM works with pulse and duty cycle.
To vary pulse width and time duration of duty cycle, you can achieve the required value. D3, D5, D6, D9, D10, D11 are used as 8-Bit PWM by analogwrite() function.
We use the AREF pin for analog Reference voltage; we provide it from an external power supply. Reference voltage should be from 0 to 5V. we use AREF for analog input with analogreference().
We use the AREF pin for analog Reference voltage; we provide it from an external power supply. Reference voltage should be from 0 to 5V. we use AREF for analog input with analogreference().
We can configure the reset pin to stop abnormal activity or malfunction by pressing the reset button. If you make it low, it will reset the micro-controller.
We can configure the reset pin to stop abnormal activity or malfunction by pressing the reset button. If you make it low, it will reset the micro-controller.
Communication Connection
Mini-B USB cable is used for Arduino Nano board connection with a computer or mobile phone(Android/iPhone). Atmega328 provided serial communication UART TTL (5V). FT232RL chip at Nano provides serial communication via USB port.
Mini-B USB cable is used for Arduino Nano board connection with a computer or mobile phone(Android/iPhone). Atmega328 provided serial communication UART TTL (5V). FT232RL chip at Nano provides serial communication via USB port.
Programing Arduino Nano
We can easily program Nano with Arduino IDE software. The IDE software is compatible with Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. IDE also works on android, so a quick and easy programming job to be done.
Arduino Nano pins, as compared to Arduino Uno, contain more options and compatibility. It could be a better option because using less space and easy installation in the projects.
We can easily program Nano with Arduino IDE software. The IDE software is compatible with Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. IDE also works on android, so a quick and easy programming job to be done.
Arduino Nano pins, as compared to Arduino Uno, contain more options and compatibility. It could be a better option because using less space and easy installation in the projects.