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Showing posts from April, 2024
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How to make Robot Eyes with OLED display ?

Robot Eyes for robotic projects How to make robot eyes in a simple way with an OLED display? In this blog, I am going to explain with the help of pictures and the code. Robotic eyes make your robotic project very interactive. It depends on the specific goals and applications of the project. Robotic eyes with displays offer a wide range of benefits across various robotics projects. There are different types of projects for robot eyes that have their own requirements. but I am going to explain the simple blinking eyes with an OLED display and Arduino. This is very useful for beginners and learners to understand the level of robotic parts. Material Required 1- Arduino Uno                                                  01 No 2- OLED 0.96”(128x64)(with I2C interface )     01 No 3- Jumper wires                ...

"ESP32 GPIO Pinout and Overview: Complete Guide to Pin Functions

ESP32 pinout and functions and details ESP32 module is an Internet of things wireless module. It is used to control the devices through the internet. It is a remote IoT development board that can be easily programmed and controlled via WIFI or Bluetooth.  It has a dual-core Tensilica Xtensa LX6 CPU, which provides ample processing power for  various tasks. It includes GPIO pins, SPI, I2C, UART, ADC, DAC, and more peripherals.  So we can configure  esp32 pins for a wide variety of projects.                     Figure:ESP32 ESP32 development board used arduino ide to program as well as other environments e.g. micro python, Thoni, Scratch 3.0, etc. There are several modules that are part of the ESP 32 family.  ESP32 devkit, ESP wroom-32.  It has a flash memory of 520 k bytes with a working frequency of 240kMHZ. WIFI 802.11, Bluetooth 4.2BR and BLE ...

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