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Types of batteries and its Applications

Types of batteries and Used in components A battery is a device that contains chemical energy, stores it, and converts it into electrical energy. There are some batteries that are made with cells connected in series. It was Alessandro Volta who invented the battery in 1800. With these batteries, the voltage fluctuated and there was an insufficient current. Types of Battery Materials There are many types of batteries, that are categorized according to construction, size, and usage. But all the batteries are the source of DC voltage. The battery capacity depends upon its ampere value. 1- Nickel-cadmium 2 - Lithium ion 3- Zinc-carbon   4- Silver oxide 5- Lead-acid Nickel-Cadmium batteries Nickel-cadmium batteries or NiCad batteries have a long service life and could last for years. But the disadvantage is the toxic material. However, it has the advantage of being unable to overcharge. Lithium metal batteries We use some batteries cell in small devices. We use the single cell in s...

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